Nominations for Elders & Ministry Leaders
Class of 2024 Nominations
The Nominating Committee invites the congregation to submit names for the annual slate of 5 Ruling Elders (two of whom will be Trustee-Elders) and 8 Ministry Leaders who will be ordained for particular service to the church. A slate of nominees will be presented to the congregation at our annual meeting on Sunday, February 7, 2021 for election. In accordance with the Book of Order, our church’s Constitution, the Nominating Committee requests nominations from the membership of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta.
Nomination for Ruling Elder: Governance and The Ministry of Discernment
Called by God, elected by the congregation, and ordained, Ruling Elders, together with installed Ministers of Word and Sacrament (Pastors), exercise leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of a congregation as well as the whole church, including ecumenical relationships. Specific areas of focus include but are not limited to: worship and the sacraments, communications, connections and membership, the annual budget, personnel, property (decisions requiring expenditure of $10K or more), church discipline, and long range strategic vision and direction.
Nomination for Ministry Leader: The Ministry of Service and Compassion
Called by God, elected by the congregation, ordained, individually commissioned, and under the authority of the Session, Ministry Leaders, together with designated staff, serve in specific ministry areas and provide regular reports to update the Session on their areas of ministry. Ministry Leaders are able to serve communion and are trained alongside Ruling Elders. Ministry Leaders are called and ordained to serve and lead in one of the following ministry areas: arts, care, community ministries, faith formation, global mission, servant leadership, or social ventures.