Getting Here


1328 Peachtree Street NE
Atlanta, GA  30309


First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta is at the corner of Peachtree and 16th street in the heart of Midtown Atlanta.

We are next door to the High Museum of Art and one block from MARTA’s Arts Center station.


On Sunday mornings, parking for First Presbyterian Church is available in three locations:

  1. In the small lot behind the church, accessible from Arts Center Way.

  2. In the surface lot across Peachtree Street from the church (managed by Lanier Parking), accessible from Peachtree Street.

  3. In the Midtown Plaza parking deck, located directly next to the church on Peachtree Street. Church members and visitors are invited to use non-reserved spaces and to access the church with the walkway from Level 5 of the parking deck. This opportunity is available without charge until 2:00 p.m. on Sundays.

Handicapped accessible parking is available in the back parking lot on Arts Center Way, in the driveway between Peachtree Street and the back parking lot, and along the curb of 16th Street on Sunday mornings.