Aligning faith and life
Become a member
Who can join?
Membership is open to all who confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior and desire to make First Presbyterian Church their church home.
How can I join?
To join First Presbyterian, a prospective member should attend On Ramp, a class for anyone who wants to join First Presbyterian or learn more about the life, history, and beliefs of the Presbyterian church and this congregation. The class is led by Senior Pastor Rev. Tony Sundermeier and is comprised of the following parts:
A discussion of your faith journey and what led you here to First Pres.
The history of the Presbyterian Church and the history of First Pres.
The meaning of Membership—what we hope you will contribute to this church community and, in turn, what you are seeking from your church home.
On Ramp will be meeting on Sunday, from 12:15 - 2:30 p.m. following the 11:00 a.m. worship service.
Please RSVP with Sheila Daniely at sdaniely@firstpresatl.org
After completing the On Ramp class, you will be invited to attend a Session meeting where you will meet the current Ruling Elders of the church. Following your introduction, you will be asked the qualifying questions of membership, and then the Elders will vote on your membership. You will be introduced to the Congregation on a Sunday morning following this meeting.
Questions and Information?
If you have questions about joining First Presbyterian Church or would like to get involved in its many activities and programs, please contact Sheila Daniely at (404) 228-7715 or sdaniely@firstpresatl.org.