Frequently Asked Questions FAQ
Where do I find livestream worship?
You can find our livestreams in three places on our new website.
The livestream page, just like always. You can now watch past services here too.
The homepage
The Sundays page
For information on parking and transportation click here
What is the difference between the Community and Engagement tabs in the top navigation bar?
Think of the Community tab as how you can participate and make a difference within the church, while the Engagement tab is about the outward effect you have on the world.
Under Community, you’ll find information about:
Emerging Generations: Children’s and Youth Ministries, First Pres Preschool, and Parents Morning Out
Faith Formation & Discipleship: 20s + 30s Ministry and Adult Classes & Small Groups
Theological Exploration and Spiritual Growth: TheoEd and FirstPresEDU
Music & Arts programming: Concerts@First and School of Fine Arts
Under Engagement, you’ll find information about:
Our Long Range Strategic Plan
Community Ministries
Care Ministry
Global Partnerships: Global Mission & God’s Gift Shop
Social Ventures: Epiphany
How do I navigate the Events page?
Our new event calendar will include everything we offer, from weekly Sunday worship, to concerts, to small groups. We’ll be updating the event descriptions with information on how to virtually join events, as well. Each event will also have a category, such as “Worship,” “Education,” or “Sunday School,” which will help us advertise different events throughout the site.
What if I can’t find what I’m looking for?
Navigate down to the very bottom of the page. In the lower right corner, type your keyword(s) in the search bar and you’ll get a list of results. Still can’t find it, or just have feedback? Please send an email to communications@firstpresatl.org.