Adult Education
Adult Formation
Here at FPC we believe adult learning is about encouraging and equipping you to take the next step on your spiritual journey. Part of this road involves cultivating a faith that seeks understanding through thoughtful study and reflection. Toward this end, we offer a number of opportunities in Christian education, including short-term courses, Bible studies, speaker series, and Sunday school.
Sunday School Opportunities for Adults
Berean Class
Wirth Room—10:00 a.m.
Lecture-based with discussion
Contact: William Haley, billhaley@corplaw.net
Faith and Life Class
Room 332—10:00 a.m.
Discussion-based class for learning and fellowship on a variety of themes.
Contact: Jean Russ, jhtruss@comcast.net
International Class
Room 327—10:00 a.m.
Globally-focused programming with guest speakers and Q&A discussions.
Contact: Susan Farrar, 77sfarrar@gmail.com
Parents with Children
Room 304—10:00 a.m.
Discussion-based Sunday school class for parents with children first grade and up.
Contact: Barry Gaeddert, bgaeddert@firstpresatl.org
Hope for Tomorrow
Bride’s Room—10:00 a.m.
Discussion-based Sunday School class.
Contact: David McLean, sdmcleanjr@gmail.com
New Covenant
Room 156—10:00 a.m.
Discussion-based class focusing on a variety of topics and themes with some guest speakers.
Contact: Mary Martha Scarr, m2scar@gmail.com
20s+30s Sunday Morning Study
Room 317—10:00 a.m.
Discussion-based Sunday School class for the 20s+30s group.
Contact: Ben Fletcher, bfletcher@firstpresatl.org
Previous Summer Series
To view past sessions of The Apostles’ Creed, click here.
The Stembler Ministry
The Stembler Ministry was founded by the generous bequest of John H. Stembler Jr., a life-long member of First Presbyterian Church, in July 2007 to “establish a Sunday school class for Biblical History—Old and New Testament.”
Growing out of the original intentions of this gift, the Stembler Ministry now offers unique learning opportunities for congregational discipleship that bridge the church and the academy under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Chris Holmes, our Stembler Scholar in Residence and Director of Biblical and Theological Education.
Stembler Learning Opportunities
Stembler learning opportunities seek to bridge the gap between the church and academy. These courses help expand learning and faith through intentional study and reflection by offering high-quality, seminary-level Christian education courses and events for lay people.
There are several different short-term opportunities for studying the Bible, theology, and the intersection of Christian faith and culture as well as developing interfaith and ecumenical relationships.
Theology Matters
Theology Matters are short, lecture-style courses that present thoughtful and relevant content in a manner that is accessible and engaging for members and friends of First Presbyterian Church. These courses are offered free of charge and coordinated by FPC’s Scholar in Residence, Chris Holmes. Audio podcasts and video lectures of the course will be available online. In a given academic year, there are generally two or three different Theology Matters courses offered in the evening during the week or on Sunday mornings.
Learn more here.
Office Hours
Co-hosted by Chris Holmes (FPC’s scholar in residence) and Dr. Brennan Breed, associate professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, Office Hours offers in-depth, spontaneous, and unrehearsed Bible study online. Office Hours features guests hosts who teach in seminaries and universities throughout the country. Classes are offered live using Facebook Live and Zoom.
Recordings of the previous classes are available here.
Reading Together
Reading Together courses provide opportunities to do just that — read portions of the Bible and works of theology together. In these short studies, participants engage the course material and one another in an interactive setting. Courses related to the Old Testament, the New Testament, and theology are offered throughout the academic year.
Speaking of Faith Video Series
The Speaking of Faith video series fosters occasional conversations on faith, life, and so much in between.
Speaking of Faith videos engage seminary professors, pastors, and faith leaders on a variety of topics related to the Bible, theology, and the mission of the church.
TheoEd grew out of the Stembler Ministry at First Presbyterian church of Atlanta, and is now coordinated by Candler School of Theology at Emory University. TheoEd offers leading thinkers in the church and the academy the chance to give the talk of their lives in 20 minutes or less. Typically, TheoEd talks are offered twice per year.
For more information
Visit theoed.com.
Faith Formation Network
The Faith Formation Network is FPC's online platform for learning and connection. By joining, you gain access to current and former classes hosted at FPC. Contact Chris Holmes for more information.
Small Groups
We believe that discipleship also involves nurturing one’s spiritual formation and sense of Christian community. Whether in the form of weekday small groups, men’s and women’s ministries, book clubs, or contemplative practices, there are opportunities for you to join with others to engage in honest conversations to make spiritual sense of our changing world.
Learn more on our Small Groups page.