
Confirmation is a learning opportunity and an important step in one’s faith journey for 8th and 9th graders.

Sign Ups for the current Confirmation Class of 2021-2022 has closed. The next Confirmation Class will occur during the 2023-2024 academic year.

Confirmation is a learning opportunity and an important step in one’s faith journey where students in 8th and 9th grade are exposed to some of the key teachings of the Christian Faith, the history of the universal church and our local church, the life and work of Jesus, and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Ultimately, our students will decide whether this is the time they want to make a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and to become members of the church. In addition to the retreat component, we also want the confirmation journey to provide an opportunity for the youth to connect with adult mentors, and to find new and authentic ways to share and articulate their personal faith.

A year long curriculum including six Saturday sessions and two weekend retreats.


For more information about our ministry please contact:

Co-Director of Tweens, Youth, and College Ministry

Rachal Little

(404) 228-7751

Co-Director of Tweens, Youth, and College Ministry

Ben Fletcher

(404) 228-7751