Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Today’s Scripture

Isaiah 40

Today’s Author

Chas Gowing

God heard the people cry out, freed them from Egyptian slavery, and established a covenant relationship with them. The people failed that covenant. Assyrians and Babylonians came and conquered. The cities of Judah were devastated. Jerusalem was destroyed. Their leaders were exiled. The people were “dis-“comforted.”

God stays true to the covenant, though, and brings the freed exiles out of Babylon back to Jerusalem, back to a restored relationship. Unlike the exodus, the people are not wandering; Isaiah 40 says that they walk across the desert on a straight path, a level path, a smooth path. First in the procession is a herald charged with comforting the people. Zion and Jerusalem are recruited to be heralds, too. They speak good tidings to the cities of Judah. What are the good tidings?

“Behold! Your God!”

The people see God in this victory parade. Instead of a military leader, God is a shepherd. God carries the lambs. God leads the mother sheep. God honors God’s covenant and walks with God’s people. God creates the stars and tames the chaos of the seas. God overshadows nations like grasshoppers. God speaks tenderly to the people and carries them. Like the stars and sheep, God knows each one by name and none is missing.

That’s our God, too. God is strong and mighty and tender and loving toward us. God speaks tenderly to us and frees us from captivity and carries us to life abundant where we live in beloved community with each other and with God.

Summer Devotional

God Goes With Us

This summer’s devotional is a walk through the Bible. Join our pastors and staff for daily reflections on scripture passages from Genesis to Revelation. In the beginning, God said, “I will be your God and you will be my people.” Come and see how this covenant promise changes through time yet remains steadfast from generation to generation.

Each Sunday, Chris Holmes will share a short message on the texts for the week, and written reflections will go out every Monday through Thursday morning.

We wish you blessings and deeper faith this summer!


Wednesday, July 7, 2021


Monday, July 5, 2021