Tuesday, August 4, 2020
What We Miss About Church: Congregant Reflections
For our devotionals this month, we asked various congregants what they miss the most about being together.
Join us for this series of reflections that remind us of what we miss and who we are called to be.
Scripture for the Day
Luke 6:19
And all in the crowd were trying to touch him, for power came out from him and healed all of them.
What I miss most about church is touching and being touched within the sacred spaces we share. A unique power comes from physical touch that can’t be duplicated in a virtual way. When deprived of touch by the shutdown, I long for close encounters in the hallways – low bumps from little kids scurrying to class, intentional embraces, surprise hugs, unfettered handshake-offerings of peace, communal partaking of bread and wine, communal praying and singing.
Yes, there can be deep healing without physical touch, and I’m most grateful for the countless opportunities to meet virtually. FPC has offered a feast of offerings throughout the COVID-19 crisis. We’ve been very connected through the livestreamed services, many Zoom groups and classes and the daily devotionals. Love is an outreach of the heart and soul, and love transcends any boundaries or limitations. Compassion and hope move invisibly – requiring no physical media.
But just as people longed to touch Jesus, I long to touch and be physically present with you in our sacred space. Recently, someone pointed out that in several of Paul’s letters including 2 Corinthians 13:12, there is the evocative invitation: “May you greet one another with a holy kiss.” We can’t enjoy this invitation now, but I pray the day will come soon when we literally can touch one another again.