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Lenten Art Talks

The FPC Arts Council announces Lenten Art Talks 2025, Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. from March 16 - April 6. On March 9, Chris Holmes will give the opening lecture, with Dr. Luke Timothy Johnson from Emory's Candler School of Theology as the closing speaker on April 13. In addition to the First in Focus Curriculum for Lent, the Lenten Art Talks offer an exploration of personal reflection and sacrifice with great works of art. Please join us in Winship Chapel for Lenten Art Talks 2025.

Opening Lecture

Sunday, March 9th

Presenter: Chris Holmes

Sunday, March 16th

Presenter: Jim Wise

Sunday, March 23rd

Presenters: Chris Holmes & Bryan Brooks

Sunday, March 30th

Presenter: Shay Herman

Sunday, April 6th

Presenter: Bryan Brooks

Closing Lecture

Sunday, April 13th

Presenter: Luke Timothy Johnson Ph.D. Robert W. Woodruff Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at Emory University's Candler School of Theology

March 22

Help Build First Presbyterian's 48th Habitat House

March 23

Church 101