Long Range
Strategic Plan
We hear you
Dear First Presbyterian Church community,
Through months of prayer, study of who we already are, and discernment of who God is calling us to be, we have crafted this strategic plan of action to guide us for the next six years as we approach the 175th anniversary of this congregation. We were heartened, encouraged, and challenged by the feedback we received from you through surveys, Town Hall meetings, Sunday school class feedback sessions, and small group conversations. We heard common themes about why we have chosen this place as our spiritual home, but we also heard the call to deepen both our individual and shared faith and commitments as we walk with our Lord, gather as a community, and love and serve our brothers and sisters in the world.
We developed this plan not as an exhaustive list of existing ministries nor an instruction to create new ones. It is instead meant to be a living document that will help us come together around a shared vision of how we are called to participate in God’s mission in the world. It is a call to each of us to deepen our personal connections to God, one another, and the work of the church.
In the coming months, we will hear sermons and share in conversations about our Mission and Values. Each person here will have the opportunity to participate in the resulting work. We humbly pray that this plan will help us build on the strengths of our 168-year history and prepare for our third century of worship and service to Jesus Christ
The 2016 Long-Range Strategic Planning Team
Charlie Candler
Sally Cobb Cannon
Carla Ferrell
Jim Hasson
Rebekah LeMon
Tom Lowry
Doug Orr
Tony Sundermeier
Mary Catherine Sutherland
Julie Webster
Matt Wirth
Download a PDF ⧉ of the Long Range Strategic Plan
First Presbyterian Church is a community of humble followers of Jesus Christ who choose, by God’s grace, to live by love, seek continual transformation, and equip all to be servant leaders in Atlanta and throughout the world.
Spiritual home
a place to belong for a lifetime of faith
Enduring commitment
ordering our lives around worship, education and service to God
Authentic diversity
building relationships that honor one another as children of God
Continual conversion
being shaped as disciples through God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit
Joyful worship
gathering to give thanks and praise to our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer
Theological formation
pursuing deeper relationship with God through study, discernment, and spiritual discipline
Radical hospitality
sharing with all the welcome we receive in Jesus Christ
Mutual care
giving and receiving shelter, nurture and spiritual fellowship
Restorative relationships
seeking reconciliation with God and one another
Servant Leadership
Bold humility
acknowledging our dependence on God by following the example of Jesus Christ in an increasingly secular world
Just generosity
using all that we have received to promote justice, righteousness, and human dignity
Missional living
proclaiming God’s Good News in everything we say and do
Seeking fellowship with God and with one another and led by the Holy Spirit to participate in God’s mission, First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta embraces the following goals and action plans. The Long Range Planning Team intends that the Goals and Action Plans will be understood and implemented with the assumption that the existing excellence in worship, teaching, service, pastoral care, music and the arts, and administration will be preserved and that the Goals and Action Plans are specific objectives for expanded service to God, the congregation and humankind. The following goals will be implemented by 2023:
Deepen Participation
Prioritize engagement in the life of the church in order to strengthen our community and be transformed in our faith.
Relational Priorities
Engage the congregation in fulfilling our relational priorities and ensure that all ministries promote human dignity, personal empowerment, restorative relationship, and just generosity.
Equip members and friends to be servant leaders in the church and in all spheres of their lives.
Promote individual economic empowerment.
Provide regular visits and spiritual friendship with all members and friends who are ill, bereaved, elderly, homebound or in need of care.
Elevate the capacity of the church to be a dynamic center and resource for learning, building relationships, and spiritual growth.
Reshape our structure, operations and communications to prepare the congregation for our third century of ministry.
Action Plans
Deepen Participation
Prioritize engagement in the life of the church in order to strengthen our community and be transformed in our faith.
Encourage personal involvement in fulfilling God’s mission and accountability to one another in community by embracing expectations for participation at FPC:
Attending worship (in person, online, through radio or television) an average of at least 3 times per month;
Participating in a small group or spiritual/theological formation platform an average of at least 2 times per month (in person or online);
Actively serving in at least one ministry of the church for an average of at least one hour per week; and
Making our church the first and greatest priority in our charitable giving, with an initial goal of giving at least 3% of annual household income and annual incremental increases within one’s capacity to give.
Relational Priorities
Engage the congregation in fulfilling our relational priorities and ensure that all ministries promote human dignity, personal empowerment, restorative relationship, and just generosity.
Discern and articulate a set of foundational principles, commitments, and best practices for faithful engagement with all people.
By May 2017, Session adopts priorities and governing principles.
By December 2017, all existing ministries will seek consistency with missional priorities and governing principles.
Ongoing educational opportunities and leadership training for adults and young people will include these principles.
Engage the entire congregation in the following five priorities:
1. Building relationships with our brothers and sisters in this community and around the world through local and global partnerships and a demonstrated culture of Christian inclusiveness and hospitality. By the end of 2023, we will have created opportunities for 200 new participants to visit one of our global partners and enabled 100% of FPC’s youth to participate in a mission experience every year.
2. Providing care and nurture for the whole person, from physical needs to community resources to job training to spiritual formation and friendship.
3. Engaging in regular conversation and action to identify and address racial and all other forms of prejudice and bigotry in us, our congregation, our city, and the world. Build relationships with our partners and neighbors, create regular opportunities for truth-telling, engage leaders from other congregations and organizations in order to provide opportunities for community education.
4. Pursuing affordable housing for the Atlanta community by:
Participating in partnerships and initiatives that seek systemic solutions on behalf of the 25% of Atlanta’s population living in poverty, and
Supporting at least 200 individuals/families in moving from housing insecurity to sustainable, safe, and affordable housing.
5. Embracing and walking alongside at least 5 refugee families per year, providing financial resources and committing to ongoing relationships.
Equip members and friends to be servant leaders in the church and in all spheres of their lives.
By Fall 2017, develop high-commitment leadership curricula to be offered annually to both adults and youth;
Through the curricula, provide general leadership skills and specific leadership opportunities, including:
Leadership at FPC that inspires others and embodies positive change through high-functioning teams;
Leadership in denominational, interdenominational, and interfaith efforts and organizations;
Leadership in the wider community as advocates on behalf of vulnerable persons in systems affecting policy, justice, and access to resources; and
Leadership in civic organizations that promote human dignity, personal empowerment, restorative relationship, and just generosity.
Encourage at least 150 adults and 75 youth to complete the training by 2023.
Promote individual economic empowerment.
By Fall 2017, develop high-commitment leadership curricula to be offered annually to both adults and youth;
By Spring 2017, identify, investigate, evaluate, and prioritize the use of our human, physical and financial resources in entrepreneurial ventures and/or partnerships that provide training and create jobs and profit sharing opportunities for those who are unemployed or underemployed in our community.
By Fall 2019, launch at least one sustainable social entrepreneurship venture.
compassionate care
Provide regular visits and spiritual friendship with all members and friends who are ill, bereaved, elderly, homebound or in need of care.
By Fall 2017, develop high-commitment leadership curricula to be offered annually to both adults and youth;
By Fall 2017, train a multi-generational lay pastoral care visitation team to provide care and spiritual friendship.
Collaborate to ensure that everyone who needs a pastoral contact receives at least one connection/visit per month.
purposeful engagement
Elevate the capacity of the church to be a dynamic center and resource for learning, building relationships, and spiritual growth.
Actively invite adult members and visitors to participate regularly in Sunday School classes, discipleship opportunities, or small groups to increase participation by 100%.
Prepare our children and youth to be Christian servant leaders in an increasingly diverse, secular, and global world.
Create an engaging, fun, and dynamic curriculum and learning environment that forms our children and youth to be lifelong followers of Jesus Christ.
Build a culture of learning that capitalizes on relationships with local educational institutions, promotes scholarly production, and facilitates open dialogue on issues impacting the life of our church, our community, and the world.
Offer at least two public forums per year that draw in leaders of different perspectives on pressing and timely religious, social and cultural issues.
Engage 100 members annually to strengthen existing and pursue new ecumenical and interfaith relationships that focus on mutually enriching service and fellowship activities.
Form a denominational engagement team that places members in leadership roles within the presbytery, synod, General Assembly, and other denominational entities (seminaries, foundations, committees, etc.).
Elevate FPC as a leading source for worship, educational, theological, and artistic content by expanding our capability to capture, curate, and distribute content with a goal of increasing the number of views through digital media channels by 400% by 2020.
Strengthen partnerships with local arts, civic and educational institutions to connect to new and neighboring audiences through performances and exhibitions, programs, and joint service projects.