Join biblical studies professors and church theologians for a live, interactive, impromptu online Bible study.
Session 9: Hebrews
Join Chris Holmes and Brennan Breed (Old Testament professor at Columbia Theological Seminary) for a five-week in-depth Bible study of the Hebrews.
Following the lectionary passages for October and November, the new format for Office Hours will feature shorter, pre-recorded conversations with Chris Holmes, Brennan Breed, and other guests hosts from around the country.
If you have questions, email Chris Holmes.
How to Participate
Videos of the prerecorded sessions can be found below. After watching the recordings, participants can join Chris Holmes for a thirty-minute discussion in-person or online on Sundays, October 17–November 14 at 10:15 - 10:45 a.m.
Meet in room 156
Join via Zoom
Join the Office Hours Facebook group, watch the classes and join the discussion.
October 17
Session 1: Hebrews 1-2 and Session 2: Hebrews 3–4
Featuring Dr. Amy Peeler
October 24
Session 3: Hebrews 5–6
Featuring Dr. Bryan Dyer
October 31
Session 4: Hebrews 7–8
Featuring Dr. Madison Pierce
November 7
Session 5: Hebrews 8:1–9:14 and Session 6: Hebrews 9:15–28
Featuring Dr. David Moffitt
November 14
Session 7: Hebrews 10–13
Featuring Dr. Cynthia Long Westfall
Session 1 & 2: Hebrews 1-4
Featuring Dr. Amy Peeler
Join the discussion on October 17
Session 3: Hebrews 5–6
Featuring Dr. Bryan Dyer
Join the discussion on October 24
Session 4: Hebrews 7–8
Featuring Dr. Madison Pierce
Join the discussion on October 31
Session 5 Hebrews 8:1–9:14 & Session 6: Hebrews 9:15–28
Featuring Dr. David Moffitt
Join the discussion on November 7
Session 7: Hebrews 10–13
Featuring Dr. Cynthia Long Westfall
Join the discussion on November 14
All Studies
Watch all Office Hours above by using the playlist in the top right corner; new episodes are added weekly.