Community Ministries Newsletter: December

December 2, 2024

We are excited to bring you the latest edition of the Community Ministries newsletter! Community Ministries is a ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta dedicated to serving those experiencing homelessness and those in transition in Midtown Atlanta and beyond. Every week, Community Ministries can expect to serve over 600 clients through social services, feeding ministries, the Clothing Corner, the Hospitality Closet, and the Mailroom.

Continue reading for an update on our Women’s Transformation Center, a Special Holiday Prayer Breakfast, the Winter Clothing Drive, and a holiday party invitation for all our wonderful volunteers!

Special Holiday Prayer Breakfast

Originally founded in 1981, the Prayer Breakfast at First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta is a well-known part of FPC’s ministry to our unhoused neighbors. During the breakfast, our neighbors can grab a warm meal and engage in fellowship with one another, and the volunteers present. The Prayer Breakfast not only aims to meet the human needs of our unhoused neighbors but also to address the spiritual needs of everyone involved in the breakfast through active community and fellowship. 

As the holiday season creeps closer and closer, we are working to bring the Christmas Spirit to our neighbors! Therefore, on December 22, we will be holding a special Christmas Prayer Breakfast! At this breakfast, along with a hot meal, we will give out gifts and Christmas cards to celebrate advent as a community.   

The breakfast is held at 1328 Peachtree Street in Fifield Hall from 6:30am to 7:45am. Volunteers are expected to arrive by 6:00am and leave by 8:15am. If you would like to volunteer for our special Christmas Breakfast, please use the button below!

Prayer at the Prayer Breakfast

Community Ministries are always focused on our clients' needs. With each service we offer, our goal is to fulfill a basic need that they are unable to fill elsewhere. Being able to share what is heavy on your heart with a trusted spiritual advisor can be hard to find, but with our Prayer Breakfast, we have been able to grow a spiritual community with our clients. As clients enjoy a hot meal, they can fill out a prayer card. We are then able to pray over these requests as the week continues and speak directly with the client about their request if they would like. When COVID hit, we were unable to continue this work. Since we have now gotten our Prayer Breakfast back into full swing, we are able to bring prayer back to the Prayer Breakfast!  

Don’t just take it from us, here are two spotlights talking about why prayer is important and how this ministry is directly impacting our clients:

Pastor Robert Sparks: Pastor Rob is the Associate Pastor for Care here at FCPA  

Why is prayer important to you?

The Apostle Paul told the Thessalonians to, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” The Westminster Shorter Catechism teaches that, "Prayer is an offering up of our desires unto God, for things agreeable to God's will, in the name of Christ, with confession of our sins, and thankful acknowledgment of his mercies.” As a person of faith, prayer is a regular exercise whereby my will is knit to God’s so that I might draw closer in faith. Prayer is most often associated with worship, but I believe that service to others is a form of active worship and prayer should always be at the heart of Community Ministries.

How do you pray?

Publicly and privately. As a worship leader and pastor I’m responsible praying for the people of God.  I usually write those prayers in advance because I believe the Holy Spirit can show up in my study just as readily as in the moment. I am often asked to pray with and for people in our chapel and I offer to pray at the hospital; in those instances, the prayers are led by God’s Spirit. I pray at home as well, before meals, and in silent meditation.

Why is prayer at the Breakfast important?

I think it’s especially important to give thanks for the food we’re about to receive, to offer gratitude for the volunteers and donors who make the meal possible, and to pray for the health and safety of all of the people in our community. Each Sunday, First Presbyterian celebrates the start of the week, on the Sabbath with multiple worship, educational, and fellowship opportunities that stretch into the evening. The first public word of prayer spoke at First, each and every week, is the prayer before breakfast!

Darren: Darren is a beloved neighbor of Community Ministries and often utilizes our services 

Why do you like prayer? 

I grew up in a praying family, so I like prayer. I was taught to watch and pray. It changes things; I’ve seen it. They say to be careful who you let pray for you or lay hands on you. To me, prayer is part of survival. I believe highly in communicating with God and the best way to do that is with prayer. I can talk to God myself, but unity is strength. I can pray alone, but ten people praying together is strength.  

Why is prayer at the Breakfast important?  

It might be the only place where someone asks them what they need, how can they be prayed for. They might not have it in themselves to pray every day, or they may not have someone who prays for them consistently. Some people use the prayer request form, others don’t. But people are doing it.  Hold your head up and pray to God because God changes things.  

Community Ministries Volunteer Christmas Party

Women’s Transformation Center Volunteer Workday

New Volunteer Opportunities: Food Market, Foot Care, & Prayer Team


Since its opening in September, Community Ministries is thrilled to invite the entire congregation to volunteer in the newly renovated Venable Food Market! Volunteers in the Food Market assist with sorting and stocking shelves, helping clients select groceries, and bagging items for clients. Shifts are available every Tuesday from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. If you're interested in volunteering, please sign up here!


Community Ministries is excited to be restarting the historic Foot Care Ministry at First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta! This essential service supports our neighbors, many of whom rely on walking as their primary mode of transportation. Our Foot Care volunteers provide non-clinical care, helping to keep clients' feet clean, healthy, and comfortable. If you’re interested in volunteering with Foot Care, please complete the inquiry form here!


We are bringing prayer back to the prayer breakfast! Every Sunday, our clients at the breakfast have an opportunity to fill out prayer cards. We are in need of volunteers of any age who feel a call to pray over these requests throughout the week. You can either pick up the prayer requests on Sunday from 8:30-10:00am or Monday from 1-3 from the Community Ministries Mail Room, or they can be scanned to your email address. If you’re interested in volunteering, please sign up here!

Winter Clothing Drive

With colder weather comes a new need for our unhoused neighbors many of whom lack access to warm clothing. As temperatures dip ,access to warm clothing such as coats, hats, and gloves become crucial to our neighbors wellbeing.

First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta is committed to helping the unhoused in our community with a Winter Drive! Community Ministries would like to stock up on warm winter clothing for our clients to be a little more comfortable and safer outside. Any items donated should be new or gently used and clean. 

    • Winter Coats

    • Pull Overs

    • Puffer Coats

    • Hoodies

    • Fleece Jackets

    • Sweaters

    • Thermal Tops

    • Thermal Pants

    • Winter Socks

    • Gloves

    • Mittens

    • Winter Boots

    • Sleeping Bags

    • Wool Blankets

    • Comforters

    • Hot Hands

Donations can be dropped off:

Sunday’s between 8:00am & 1:00pm.

Monday through Thursday between 9:00am & 3:00pm

In the designated bins located in the Smith Building Lobby.


We need a mixture of sizes for to best fit our clients’ needs.

If possible, unisex items are best!


Community Ministries Newsletter: January


Community Ministries Newsletter: November