Stained Glass Windows




South Wall

Date Installed

February 25, 1940

Executed by



James and Emily English


Acts 6:8-15, 7:1, 54-60; 8:1


In the scene at the bottom are the disciples, going to the four corners of the earth to tell others about Jesus Christ. Jesus had told the disciples, after they received the Holy Spirit, to go into all the world and preach the gospel. 

The hardships faced by the Martyrs when they go out and tell others about Jesus Christ are represented by the story of the stoning of Stephen. The scene shows Stephen outside the walls of Jerusalem. He is being stoned to death because he has testified that he believes in Jesus Christ. The men in the side panels, are throwing the stones which are huge. The meanness in the faces of the stone throwers reflects the hatred they have in their hearts.  

Stephen has already become emaciated physically, but spiritually he is not emaciated at all. He is uplifted by the great Light that is coming down from heaven. Heaven is opened and he sees Jesus Christ standing on the right hand of God. The man in the background behind Stephen is Saul of Tarsus, standing with the cloaks of the people who were stoning Stephen. He himself is consenting to the death of Stephen. Saul later became converted and became the Apostle Paul. 

The scene above is the light from heaven in the small panel at the top that flows into the center panel, and casts the light upon Paul. This bit of the light from heaven indicates that he is going to be touched by the message of Jesus Christ and he himself will become the great apostle Paul. 

This is the last of the History windows to be completed, very late in the life of Dr. Lyons. His ability to travel had become very limited. In the opinion of the author, this is the only window in which the obstruction between the large panels detracts from the scene. Note the “long arm” of the man on the left throwing the stone. Perhaps more of the customary oversight of the artist’s work would have been beneficial.
